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Blog & News

Video Surveillance & Video AI

Nowadays there are hundreds of Video Surveillance solutions available for any possible and imaginable situation. What if, the scenario you need to analyze is different or just too complex?In this case you need to use an AI platform that integrates, what is called “Video Visual Intelligence” analysis, that can individuate in real-time, the specific scenario…
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assembled to-order connector solutions

We are glad to inform our clients that from 1st December 2020 we have closed a working agreement with PEI GENESIS to provide to our clients, the possibility to request assembled-to order connector solutions from premier global brands. All orders will be shipped FAST with no minimum order quantity!


RD Vision International Ltd is currently involved in the development, in behalf of an Italian client of a Smart Light Infrastructure that allows remote control and management of the Street Lights (LED), allowing at same time management and saving of energy for each site. The communication technology is an agnostic solution, that uses any open…
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The O.S.S.I.S.Na. Observatory (Osservatorio per la Sicurezza del Sistema Industriale Strategico Nazionale), will be officially presented at the International Conference SICC 2020,  on the CBRNE Security (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense), on 11th December 2020. Said presentation will be done within the dedicated session on: “T.3 Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure, IoT and AI investigation” (speakers:…
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Tuttnauer Autoclave Sterilisers

COVID-19 Sterilizers for hospitals, dental & medical clinic An innovative class B autoclave sterilizer with the new Virus Protection Shield cycle that safely decontaminates air released by the autoclave. Providing best-in-class safety from viruses (such as coronavirus) for autoclave operators throughout the sterilization process. Tuttnauer has a wide range of solutions for Medical, Dental, Laboratory and Vetererinary applications. RD…
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COVID-19 News & Updates

COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Johns Hopkins experts in global public health, infectious disease, and emergency preparedness have been at the forefront of the international response to COVID-19. The JHU website is a resource to help advance the understanding of the virus, inform the…
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